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Can our Memories be Improved?
Are you wondering if there are ways to improve your memory? Wondering if you can avoid some of the embarrassing moments, unproductive time, and limits on your success that result from a poor memory? The answer is yes. With desire and a little practice you can learn some amazing techniques that will unlock your incredible memory power.
Good Memory or Poor Memory?
In many respects there is no difference. A poor memory is merely an untrained memory. Improving your memory is a matter of learning to use the limitless memory capacity you were born with. Yes, you do have limitless memory capacity!
What About Age?
It is no secret that memories fade over time. However, age related memory loss is a minor factor. There is no direct correlation between old age and mental function. This has been proven on countless occasions by senior citizens who are as sharp as any younger person. With the exception of memory related disease and health problems, there is no reason why your ability to form and recall memories cannot be extended for a lifetime. You just have to learn how!
Isn't Everyone Absentminded From Time To Time?
Sure they are. For the most part these absentminded moments are annoying but not life shattering. If you forget your grocery list and arrive home to find that you missed two important items, it's just a matter of heading back to the store. If you spend 20 minutes looking for your car keys it just means you may be a bit late for an appointment. The time it takes to turn around and head back to your house because you can't remember if you turned off the stove, well that's just time well spent to be certain that you did. Speaking of time, how valuable is yours?
What about situations when absentmindedness is costly? Like when you 'forgot' to give the boss a message which results in a delay of the new product launch... oops! How about when you 'forgot' to pick up the lottery tickets for your co-workers lottery pool and your numbers were picked... ouch! Or the time you really did leave the stove on and you arrive home to smoldering rubble. Somehow "Geez, sorry I forgot" just doesn't cut it! And, it doesn't have to because absentmindedness is just another side effect of an untrained memory!
Stop and Consider…
How many times in the course of a day do you hear the words 'I forgot'. Whether you are saying them or someone else is, chances are you hear them far too often. Every time you hear 'I forgot' it usually means that something didn't get done, went wrong, or somewhere down the line inefficiency or missed opportunity will result. The economic impact alone of these two little words is staggering. The truth of the matter is that you or whoever said these words didn't really 'forget' because you didn't 'remember' in the first place. Think about that for a moment and you will see that it is impossible to forget if in fact you had ever really remembered. Learning to effectively encode new information is the key to eliminating the words 'I forgot'.
How Many Faces Do You Forget?
If you are like most people you probably can instantly recall whether you have seen someone before. You remember the face but you can't quite remember the name. This can be one of the most embarrassing situations resulting from an untrained memory. Have you ever been with a friend and were approached by an acquaintance who will undoubtedly stop to chat. You will have to make introductions but you suddenly feel like hiding because you will have to utter those humiliating words "I'm sorry, but I can't remember your name". You can make jokes about 'a bad memory' but your acquaintance will still feel that you do not value them enough to remember their name.
Worse still are the business situations where you cannot recall the name of an important client or colleague when you meet them outside of your normal business environment. These situations can cost you credibility and challenge your sincerity. They can impede your advancement and possibly even cost you money. On the other hand, it is well within your abilities to learn to remember everyone's name, prevent these embarrassing situations, and gain a new level of confidence!
Educators and group facilitators can appreciate the challenges involved with remembering large numbers of new names. Surprisingly, it can be a relatively easy feat when you employ the same techniques used by memory performers to remember the names of an entire audience. A technique you will easily learn!
I'll Put This In a Safe Place So I Won't Forget it!
Sure you will. How many times have you put something in a safe place only to spend minutes or hours searching for it or worse, never finding it? Why does this happen? It happens because you fail to form the necessary associations between the item and the location. You can learn a very simple technique that will prevent this from ever happening again. Your 'safe place' will actually be a safe place!
Where Are Those Instructions?
Do you have to search for instructions every time you need to repeat a process or remember how to do something? Committing such things to memory is as easy as remembering a list of items. Can't remember lists? Not to worry, there are several surefire techniques you can use to commit any list, process, or set of instructions to permanent memory.
The Ancient Greeks vs. Modern Science
What did the ancient Greeks know about memory? Many great orators were able to deliver long speeches and great epics without the aid of notes or scripts. How did they do it? Their systems and modern memory research have led to some highly effective memory and learning techniques.
What Was That Number Again?
Telephone numbers, credit card numbers, dates, PIN numbers… your life is full of important numbers that you depend on. The problem is that numbers are very difficult to remember because they are purely abstract. It is easier to picture an elephant playing the drums in a bikini than it is to picture the number 489932. The good news is that there is a secret to remembering numbers and that secret can be easily mastered.
Let Me Tell You The One About The…
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to recall the many jokes and funny stories you have heard. Everyone loves to laugh and being able to deliver jokes is an excellent social skill. Do you have trouble remembering the jokes and funny stories you hear? You are not alone. Learning to remember jokes and stories is easier than you think and it is one of the many advantages you gain through memory training!
I Know The Material But I Froze During The Exam!
Sound familiar? Our educational system and in many cases the business world rewards people for the ability to recall facts and figures without ever teaching you how to commit all that new information to memory. The bottom line is that success as a student or an employee often depends on your ability to recall names, dates, facts, figures, places, etc. from memory. By applying the formula: Concentration + Comprehension + Memory = Learning you will improve your study habits and remember what you read. Learning how to concentrate, when to study, where to study, how long to study, study techniques, and how to review will improve your ability to learn any new material in less time and with less review than ever before!
Can You Guess People's Number One Fear?
Easy one right? It's public speaking. For most people the thought of public speaking is synonymous with fear, panic, dread, unease, and a host of other uncomfortable feelings up to and including the inducement of physical sickness. Why is this? You are probably comfortable talking to friends and small groups so why should a larger audience cause alarm. Generally it is a result of a fear of failure. To conquer your fears you need only arm yourself with preparedness, confidence, and a few powerful delivery techniques. All things you can learn and commit to memory.
Old Dogs and New Tricks
You know the saying 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks'. Well it is simply not true when it comes to people. Learning any new skill or new material is entirely possible and is made even easier when you utilize the amazing powers of your remarkable memory. Do you have artistic or musical aspirations, new hobbies to explore, a new language to learn, or a new career to pursue? Nothing is impossible if you have the desire to learn a few simple memory systems.